Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Kids are Alright

When you're about to be a mom for the very 1st time, everyone has advice for you.  From how long to hold them to what kind of diapers to use.  After I had Bushai, in the summer of '98, I remember hearing often about how fast time flies and to enjoy every moment because you won't get them back.
I always graciously responded with "thank you, i'm sure it does" etc.  You think you know.  You think you have an inkling of an idea of what it will be like.  Well... you don't.  You really freakin' don't.  I was 26 when I had Bushai.  I was married to his dad, but already feeling suffocated and wanted out.  I didn't get out.  I knew when this beautiful boy came into the world that I had to make my marriage work, for his sake.  Being a new mom, as most of you may know is such a mixed bag of blessings and challenges.  Bushai was a fairly easy baby, not super needy, no colic, slept well.  I have always been a total "granola mom", ya know, I home birthed, we co-slept, I used cloth diapers, I nursed for an extended period.... I felt like these were all good ways to give my children a healthy start.  When Ronin came, 2 1/2 years later, I did all the same things.  The new challenge?  2 babies under 3! I was lucky enough t not have to work full time.  Their dad was a wild land fire fighter and when it was fire season, it paid really well.  He was gone most of the time, but, honestly, our marriage was so rocky, I really appreciated the time without him.  I know, it sounds bad, he worked, there was $ in the bank, and I got time to myself, with my kids.  I admit it, it was selfish, but, it seemed to work.  I do believe that having josh gone for those extended periods kept us together as long as we were. 
Anyway, allow me to digress...
My children are now 6, 14 and 16.  Actually, Bushai, that sweet little 1st baby of mine will be 17 next Tuesday.  Does the time go by fast? Holy hell, YES!  Of course, one doesn't realize it when you're in it, one simply lives.  I was always a very hands on mom.  We did art projects, I took them to all of the fun, kid and family events I could, we went to the park regularly, we had playgroups, I always did these elaborate, themed birthday parties, etc.  I hope that they have as many good memories of their childhood as I do.  I have boxes full of pictures that I know I need to get into albums someday.
So here we are, the end of summer, the beginning of the school year. 
 Ronin started 9th grade on Monday.  She is going to Media Arts Charter School.  It's near her dad's house, and the focus is art, and especially, art focused in the film industry, which has really blown up here in NM.  She has her sites set on becoming a surgeon, and I am going to encourage whatever it is she wants to do, of course, but the staff and the classes at this school seem really AMAZING!  I have a feeling she may actually find her niche. Her grades are fantastic, so she was placed in all honors classes, but I believe in her!
Today was Jasper's 1st day of 1st grade! My little, bitty boy is a big 1st grader now! I feel like I was just pregnant with him.  Now THAT is a crazy thing to reflect on.  I feel like I have lived several lifetimes in the past 7 years.  I had a baby, got divorced, moved...and everything that has taken place in between.  In so many ways, he's my little baby.  He always will be.  He's still such a precious young thing, ya know.. 1st grade! But, at the same time, ha's so mature.  He's been through a lot, and it shows in his eyes.  Sometimes he can be such a serious kid, but, he's also so sweet and so smart! I love that he's still little enough to want to cuddle with mama.  We like to lay in bed and watch movies on the laptop, or read books.  I know he's going to love 1st grade.
My Bushai, who is just over 6 feet tall, is entering his senior year of high school this year.  I think that one, more than the others makes me want to cry the most.  When I was pregnant with him, 17 years ago, I had no idea what I was in for.  This boy has been my best buddy, and yet, made me cry the most.  He sees the world a lot like I do, which always makes for an interesting relationship.  When he was little, he was always the boy with a big posse of friends.  He grew up with this group of boys in Prescott, that were always getting into trouble together.  Not like big time trouble, but, usual, normal, "little boy" trouble.  Exploring and digging and climbing things.  Since he's a summer baby, we would always put a tent out for his birthday parties, and let him have friends over for a camp out.  We lived on a large piece of land, so they would run round til dark and then we'd have pizza waiting and would string a cord from the house and let them watch movies or play video games on the tv/dvd player one of the families would let their son bring.  It was great fun and I have very fond memories of it.  I miss those days of a bunch of little boys running around, in and out of my house, being loud and crazy.  I didn't realize at the time, when it was driving me a little nuts how precious it was.  All of those boys are now about to be done with high school. 
Does it go fast?  It flies by in a FLASH!
Bottom line here...
ENJOY EVERY MOMENT!!! You need to just be present for every little thing! Stop what you are doing and make a memory! You really do not get any of that time back.  Just love them up and let them know how amazing they are!
Here are pics of Ronin and Jasper on their 1st days of school this week.  Bushai starts in a few weeks.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Reflecting on the Tender Years

As another school year comes to a close, I want to take a moment and reflect on the upcoming 8th grade graduation of my middle child.  When parents say that they've watched their child struggle in school, or perhaps have a hard time fitting in with the other children, I can attest 1st hand that it's heartbreaking. 
As most of you know, my darling 14 year old, is a trans girl.  But, allow me to digress....
As a young child, she was all about mama.  I could rarely even take a potty break with out her crying at the door for me.  Her older brother was already out having playdates and enjoying 2nd grade, when our family pediatrician recommended a special preschool for my 4 year old.  You see, Ronin didn't speak very well.  She had a sort of made up language that we called her "faery language".  Bushai was the only one who could always understand her.  So, I registered this child at a preschool for children with special needs.  My poor baby would cry, and I mean, CRY, every single time I dropped her off.  Luckily, the teacher's assistant, Lisa, befriended Ronin, and create diversions to allow me to leave.  In this school, speech therapy was made a priority for Ronin. She did well, but the road would be long... 
Next, we have Kindergarten.  Of course, we had Ronin going to the same school as her big brother, which was a Waldorf inspired charter school.  A Waldorf kindergarten is about the most precious and adorable place for a young child, and Miss Terese, the teacher, loved each of her children as if they were her own.  Ronin and I had to form a routine around drop off that made this sensitive child feel safe and know that i'd be back.  She continued to have to take speech therapy through the school. The teacher had a soft spot for my baby, as it seems to be her specialty every year since... "Teacher's Pet". 
In the friend department, Ronin pretty much just hung out with Bushai and his friends, remember, during these days, Ronin was living as a little boy, because that's all we knew about her gender at that time.  However, looking back now, Ronin was always sort of androgynous, ya know? Like, a very gender fluid child.  Luckily, as the "hippy mom" I've always been, I never put any thought into it, because I didn't ever agree with ideas behind "gender norms" with young children anyway.  Boys COULD and SHOULD play with dolls, girls SHOULD and COULD play with trucks! Simple as that.
Ronin's one, constant friend even at this tender age was the beautiful, brown eyed daughter of a family we had befriended.  The dad was a firefighter alongside my kid's dad, and the mom, a wonderful woman with similar ideas about conscious parenting.  So, we would get the kids together often. This friendship would continue until at least somewhere during middle school.
So, in 1st grade, we had moved the kids to another charter school.  This one had it's emphasis on a more "Expeditionary" based education.  They went on many amazing field trips and were allowed to learn in a way that coincided with how each child was able to process the information.
Ronin continued in speech therapy classes, and had begun to take Title One special reading classes because she was just not catching on.  This continued through out the elementary grades.  Like I said before though, something about my beautiful child had her the constant teacher's pet. So much so, that she and the Title One teacher, Sarah became very close, and during her father's and my divorce, this wonderful woman became a confidant to Ronin. 
By this time, Ronin had created a few close friendships with a few girls from class and had playdates once in a while.  Continuing in the idea of gender neutral, or androgynousness, on her soccer team, or the wrestling team we had the kids on, this kid would kick butt and take names, she would beat all of Bushai and his buddies at their video games, and then would sit and chat lovingly with her stuffed animals.  My best friend, a very magical being herself, once said that Ronin is full of LOVE medicine to give the world.
So it all went up until maybe grade 5 or 6... she was finally able to end speech therapy as well as the reading program.  Her teachers always loved her cherished her as a good student.  Grades were average, good at some subjects, needed help in others.
Just before her 10th birthday, Ronin came out.  It all happened a bit by accident, but, that story is for another time.
Beginning that year, I sent her to an amazing camp held in the mountains near our hometown.  OUTdoor Gay Camp for Kids.  The brain child of an extraordinary woman, who had gone to college in our town.  This opened so many doors for my girl.
I feel as though i'm getting off the main subject here, since I wanted to talk about her school career.  The other stuff I will gladly blog about later.
So, having been at the same charter school since 1st grade, she was really just treated the very same way she always had been.  As she decided in 7th grade that it was time to begin to transition, the school continued it's support.  The teachers began to used female pronouns and allow her access to whatever restroom she felt comfortable going into.  She had developed very close friendships with several of the other middle school girls and her best friend from childhood was now at this school with her.  All of the parents of these girls were so open and comfortable with allowing Ronin to participate in all girl sleep overs and nobody blinked an eye over it. Ya, she's been lucky.
Most of these girls were a year ahead of her in school and graduated 8th grade last year, leaving her with one more year there before high school.  This is what I had mentioned earlier about her friendship with the one girl last until this point.  After those girls all went into high school, we sort of stopped hearing from them.  Something else was happening, of course, they were all developing boobs and getting their 1st kisses... Ronin was beginning to start puberty in this boy's body that was given to her.  Her 1st kiss from a boy?  Well.... that chapter has yet to be written.
During this past holiday season, Ronin moved to Albuquerque to live her dad.  She knew I was going to make my way here shortly after, and wanted to start the semester at her new school.
Well.... here we are, on the eve of her 8th grade graduation. 
This semester marked her 1st time in a public school, let alone a new kid in a new town.  As has been the norm, her teachers fall in love with her sweet personality and she is the teacher's pet in many of her classes.
What I am most proud of though, is that she's doing an amazing job on her grades!  Her report card from her 1st semester there was all As! Actually, 5 A+s and an A.  The school administration of course, knows about her gender, but, she has chosen to remain "under the radar" so to speak with the school kids. 
So, this child of mine, my sweet, wonderful, caring, "mama's girl" has come SO far!  From barely speaking and having to take special classes, in spite of her struggles through gender dysphoria, my girl is going to wear a pretty dress and these cute, 4 inch wedge sandals she picked out and is leaving one chapter behind as she graduated from the 8th grade with honors. 
I for one, couldn't be prouder. 
Cheers my darling girl! May the road continue to be smooth and may all the right doors open for you on your journey! High school is going to be such a wonderful adventure!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My dirty, raunchy, stinken' broken heart~

We've all had our hearts broken, haven't we? I know people who've had their hearts ripped out of them and stomped on so badly, they are too afraid to Love again.  Too scared of that kind of pain to let someone in again. I've also known those who have been severely, emotionally broken, and come out of it like champions.  A dear friend of mine lost her husband, only a few months after their wedding to a horrible tragedy, and just over  year later, is crazy in love again and has her smile back. Some of us have had our hearts broken by friends, or by family members, even our own children. But, of course the heartbreak I am dealing with right now, is the end of a relationship heartbreak.
I have had my share of heartbreak in the past year.  The hurt and pain I felt when the judge awarded primary custody of Jasper to Josh was unlike anything I could even explain.  When the judgment came, I first felt as though my world was spinning away from me and there was nothing I could do to stop it.  I lay on my bed and cried for a day or so before I could come up for air.  After that, I was so sad that my entire body hurt.  I tried to go back to work and left early several days in a row because I would burst out in tears.  I remember having to leave the grocery store once because a lady and her son were in line behind me.  He was about Jasper's age, wearing a super hero cape and reminded me so much of my munchkin, that I felt like I was going have a panic attack.  I left my basket of groceries and ran out the door.  It was a pain that was sometimes crippling, bringing me to my knees.  I would talk to Bushai and Jasper at night to say goodnight, and get off the phone in tears.  I knew immediately that I would have to make my way back to Albuquerque once again to bring all my kids together and to heal the pain in my heart.
Something that helped me through these difficult times were the people around me.  Those dear, sweet folks that I called my community.  My wonderful girlfriends who brought me wine and flowers, who met me for lunches out, who went out dancing with me to blow off steam, and who just listened.  There was also a sweet man in my life who, although may not have known what to do with this emotionally broken girl at times, loved me all the same.  We met 2 years ago this spring and although started out slow, spent the better part of that summer falling in love.  Unfortunately, our entire relationship was built on the possibility of me leaving.  My ex husband had made the decision to move and it made sense for me to follow suite, so as to keep the kids together. When I did so in the fall, my guy and I were sad, and the relationship was still so fresh, we sort of just fell into a routine of calling one another each night, and keeping it going, long distance.  We saw one another a few times during visits back and forth.  After only 4 months, I made the decision to head back to my little mountain town.  I missed my good friends, I missed my sweet job at the bookstore, I missed my access to community events and the sense of belonging I felt there, and I missed my guy.  


Unfortunately, my moving back, set off the beginning of the custody battle.  Yay me!
For the next year however, I dealt with the ups and downs of all of it with a wonderful man at my side.  This may not seem like a big deal to some, but, as a women in her early 40s, i'd never really had this sort of adult relationship.  I was never in love with my kids' dad, never felt truly supported by him, hated having sex with him (yes, I know... horrible) and although I have had several other relationships, nothing had ever felt quite as real.
We had so much fun together.  He plays guitar and sings songs, sometimes on stage, and he even wrote a couple about me.  We cooked meals together, ate Thai food together, went on a few road trips to the beach together, binge watched tv shows together, shared secrets with one another, got a little too drunk together, and had, simply put, the most amazing, mind blowing sex with one other.  Now, this may be getting a bit too personal, but, what the hell. So, a close girlfriend shared with me recently about her current guy.  She said that her previous lover really rocked her world in the sack, knowing exactly how to please her, and she really loved fucking him, but this new guy, who she calls her soul mate, she says actually makes love to her.  She said that with him, it's real and true.  Well, with my man, I got the best of both worlds.  We just... matched.  In every way.  And, it was beautiful, amazing and mind blowing EVERY SINGLE TIME! He even said to me on or last night together that sexually, we had a symbiotic relationship.  We were amazing together because our bodies just naturally knew what to do when they were together.
So, fast forward to today.  I finally made my way back to Albuquerque.  Back to my kids.  Back to my homeland.  The hurt and heartbreak felt when I lost the custody battle is gone.  Those places that had felt lost ad empty with out my sweet babies around are beginning to feel normal again.  I can get back to being the mommy I always was.  And it feels wonderful. 
My poor, wrecked up, broken open, stitched back up again and torn apart again heart still hurts.  That above mentioned heart break has been replaced with the open wound of a lost romance.
You see, my fella and I made the decision to break up when I left Prescott.  We both knew that I would never really settle in here if my lover was there.  That neither of us could afford to spend every other weekend going back and forth.  That long distance relationships are difficult and heart wrenching.  That we both deserve more than just long, nightly phone calls and time spent longing for one another.
The only thing is, right now, it hurts like hell. 
Let me explain something here.  The heart break felt when I wasn't with my kids and I was working toward it, but not sure how long it would take, I felt in my entire body.  It brought me to my knees.  It literally felt like a piece of my own body was missing.  A limb, an important internal organ.  I spoke to them every single day and saw them as often as I could.  I knew that although they were not with me, they were with their dad, being taken care of, fed, loved, taken to school, and that I would be with them again soon.
The heartbreak I feel now is that aching longing for someone.  That horrible love sick feeling.  We ended our romance.  We have allowed the other to be free.  To move on.  To get on with life....only we are both so tied up in the pain of it all that neither of us is functioning quite normally.  We have spoken on the phone a couple of times, only to find ourselves stuck on words and not sure what to say, except "i miss you".  We have texted.  I am a true believer in letting someone know how you feel.  I don't wait around.  Call it aggressive, whatever, I just don't want to loose a sweet moment. 
I texted him last night, told him I was missing him.  That I was drinking wine and listening to music that reminded me of him and that I was sad and I was missing him.  He texted back that he was very down.  Something about him not really knowing what to do.  That he couldn't even listen to music because every song he heard made him think of me. 
This world is so crazy and I know that there are people out there with much worse problems. With much greater heartache.  I know. Believe me, i'm about as sensitive to the human condition and as big of an empath as one can be.  I'm just here, in this body, with this life, with these feelings. And this duality of mine is killing me.  I had happiness with him, with my friends, my life, my community, in my little mountain town, but, I was missing my children.  Now,  have happiness with my children back in New Mexico, but, I'm missing my sweet man so very much! Why don't I get to have my worlds together?
Neither of us know how to do this.  Do we stop calling?  Do we check in once in a while? Should I unfriend him from facebook so I don't have to see when he's on there?  I saw a few days ago that he'd "become friends with 'insert a girl's name here" and I almost lost it.  I clicked her name, I looked at her pics, I tried to figure out who the hell she was, then realized she was someone from his work.  She didn't look like his type anyway... she wasn't me.
How do people move on from something like this?  How do they go about healing from a heartbreak that comes from circumstances.  Nobody hurt the other, nobody fell out of Love, nobody cheated.  We are two people who are hurting and longing for one another who's worlds just aren't meant to be together. Two people who deserve to have someone in their lives who truly loves them and all of their 
 idiosyncrasies and flaws.  Another adult human to touch and tell their secrets to.  To share meals with and have too much to drink with.  To discuss the kids with and lift the others spirits after a long day. 
Here I go, getting all wax poetic, but, what the hell, i'm a hopeless romantic with a big heart. 
I miss being next to him. Feeling his skin. Smelling his hair.  Making Love. Listening to him sing and play his guitar. I'll never stop believing in in Love, I just won't. But, tonight, right now, with my children all asleep here with me and my mama heart warm and snug, my romantic heart longs for someone.  Misses him. Pines for him.
On our last weekend together, we were watching a friend of ours play music downtown and he played this song, I told Sandy that it made me think of him.
In March, we went up to Flagstaff together to see Brett Dennen.  Every one of his songs now reminds me of Sandy.
And this Dylan song.... just fits~
Someday we'll meet again... Maybe in the stars... hopefully tonight in my dreams~

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Onward and Upward

So, here it is.... Time to move.  Who likes moving?  Ugh, right?  It's got to be one of the least liked things that we all have to do once in a while! 
I have done it far too many times in the past few years.  This time, i'm taking my stuff from Prescott, AZ to Albuquerque, NM.  It's been a long time coming for this move and anyone who has read my posts at all, knows what this move is all about and how emotional it all is to me. 
To catch you up, my ex husband, the father of my 3 children moved there 2 summers ago, and long story short... we fought an ugly custody battle over our 6 year old son in which he ended up winning.  So, he has had my precious baby with him there.  My 14 year old stayed with me and my 16 year went there.  Both by choice.  My 14 year old has been there with him now since the holidays when he lost his father.  I knew i'd be heading over, so I let her stay. 
I'm both excited and nervous about this move.  I have friends and family there i'm looking forward to catching up with, art shows I've signed up for and above all, my 3 kids.  I would very much like to have all of them at least 1/2 the time.  One would think that this would be a workable option.  However, my ex is not being very agreeable to this.  His last email to me said this:
"As far as Jasper, every other weekend is more than sufficient. I am already going beyond what you are entitled to per the judges court order. I am not required by any means to go outside the current order. I recognize time with his mother is important, which is why I have offered every other weekend in addition to the allotted Holidays and breaks, as a means for you to see him more often. However, Jasper has a routine established here and is doing very well. I will do what is necessary to continue his established routine as much as possible. Life did not just pause since you left and its hardly fair to completely disrupt Jasper's life. This is his home and this is where he will need to stay on school nights as he is used to. Don't worry, Jasper is not a burden to Melissa. In fact, he enjoys doing his "homework" with Melissa while she does hers. If this does not work you and we cannot come to an agreement, then it may be best to simply follow the court order. The only thing we really need to figure out is Ronin's schedule once you are here and settled and have a job."
The truth is, he was awarded "Primary Custody" so that Jasper would have a primary residence, since we were living in 2 different states.  We were always meant to continue to co-parent in decision making.  I don't recall any of the court ruling giving him permission to run a dictatorship, but, this was how our entire marriage was.  He's not been very kind in regards to our children and custody.  (i'll talk more about it in future posts) I am fully entitled to hve my children, and I things were to have ended up the other way around, and he was moving his life to where I was, i'd not think twice about making changes to allow him ample time with Jasper.  I am so very tired of fighting. It' not that I don't he any fight left in me, it's just that I am TIRED of it! This man and I made 3 children together, we raised them together until we split, then we did 50/50 for a few years.  (Actually, he kept trying to have Jasper more.... and when our oldest and I had a fight one weekend, he basically kept him at that point, coming into my house when I was away, getting his clothes, dresser, etc...)
So, now, I am moving my life to Albuquerque to be with my kids and he's going to be selfish...WTF? 
This is not how I want to start my journey, but, I am not surprised by his reaction.
Right now, I am reminding myself to BREATHE and be present with myself, so I can respond and not react.
Praying that the powers that be give me strength.

Monday, January 12, 2015

No Suffering

***Thursday, 8 January 2015***
I woke up feeling emotional, I have spent the better part of the past few days packing up my little apartment.  I have to finish tackling by bedroom and getting everything else into storage today.  I came back to Prescott about a year ago, after a few months in Albuquerque.  I missed so many things about this crazy, little town, that my heart would not rest.  I found a cute little place in one of my favorite neighborhoods and settled in.  One child stayed behind, one came with, and one became the subject of a custody fight that damn near killed me.  There have been times I have let the heartache of the judge's decision create so much inner suffering that I wasn't sure how my spirit would survive, but it did!  Not only that, but I have gained strength and courage to keep going and keep fighting the good fight.  
As I pack my whole life up once again and put all of my "physical possessions" into a storage unit so as to save up more money for my move back to NM to reunite my family, I can't help but feel teary eyed and vulnerable.  The delicate balance of my strength and my delicate emotions teeters on a fine and somewhat slippery ribbon~
I refuse however, to let this world get the best of me~ I had several amazing women in my home last night for a little soiree.  The kind of women who are strong and beautiful and all with their own sense of selves.  I am very lucky to have such wonderful displays of love and friendship in my life!
I know that with every twist and turn, I am blessed~
I bow my head in gratitude and welcome what lies ahead with passion, grace and a smile~